Apr 292011

Me punching heavy bag in my garage

 Posted by at 12:11 AM

  4 Responses to “Punching”

  1. You will love it! Stick with it. Best of luck on and off of the mat!

  2. Best of luck to you!!

  3. Never done this, just started BJJ, about to do the p90x, and yoga is partefbbbf of that prraogm. Guess ill see if it works. I’m not flexible, nor in shape, and my legs hurt like hell the first day of BJJ class. 3 moves down. Yea, I got a very long way to go, before I can go to compatitions. Wish me luck and send me some love. The black belt is an accessory. The black belt with the gold bars, now that means something!

  4. Alright alright alright that’s exactly what I nedeed!

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