More pictures from My fourth Jiu-Jitsu tournament – NAGA Houston Grappling Championship Continue reading »
More pictures from My fourth Jiu-Jitsu tournament – NAGA Houston Grappling Championship Continue reading »
September 10, 2011 I competed in the 1st Annual Rio Grande Valley Jiu-Jitsu Open. I competed as a yellow belt in the heavy weight class (127 lbs – 139 lbs). My weigh-in weight was 134 lbs. I won the gold medal in the gi division and silver medal in the no gi division. Harlingen Jiu-Jitsu Club won the 1st place team trophy so a lot of my teammates also won medals. I’ll be working on this page over the next week and try to get a complete list of who at HJJC won what. There was some really good matches and I had a lot of fun at the tournament.
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June 25, 2011 I competed in my second Jiu-Jitsu tournament – South Texas Showdown. I competed as a white belt in the heavy weight class (127 lbs – 139 lbs). My weigh-in weight was 131 lbs. I won the gold medal for both the kid’s gi and no gi divisions. My friend and teammate, Dustin Garcia, won gold medal for adults in his weight class in both the gi and no gi divisions.
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April 30, 2011 I competed in my first Jiu-Jitsu tournament – 2011 Valley Throwdown. I competed as a white belt in the heavy weight class (127 lbs – 139 lbs). My weigh-in weight was 135 lbs. I won the gold medal for both the kid’s gi and no gi divisions. My friend and team mate Laine Lyzak won the gold medal for the kid’s super heavy weight class.
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